Monday, December 1, 2014

Happy Nothingness

The weather today reminds me of all the vacations I want to take and the places I want to travel to. Most of them I have already been to, albeit virtually :) but today im seriously considering packing my bags and just taking off. I do that quite often in mumbai.. Mini versions of going wandering...all by myself. Its just walking to nowhere. 

The last two three days have been quite challenging. The challenge to coexist effortlessly. My thoughts have been all over the place. Over powered by my desires. Trust me, its a tricky situation to be in. I had to tune in more to the voice that I needed to listen. And though at times, the voice was quite loud and clear in its messages, my selfish mind refused to pay heed. 

It was only when I went within to our natural state of nothingness, that I could just observe and relax myself. Do you know that as humans we are always in a state of meditation. Its inherent. Its just that we fail to acknowledge it consciously. What is meditation? Im sure everyone will have a different answer to this. Mine is a state of nothingness filled with happiness.

When we are in the mothers womb, we are in a state of meditation. Doing nothing happily. Then we emerge.. still happy and doing nothing. Its when the kama manas takes over, and we get dissolved in our own mind and forget most of the potential we born with. Desires is the base for belief. They are assumptions that you would like to manifest. As long as these desires stay desires and the intention behind them is clear, there is no harm in sending them out into the universe. 

Guilty over the fiasco that has been cooking in my mind, im requesting it to surrender to my heart. After hours of unnessary and relentless explanations which by the way didnt work at all, all I needed is go back to our inherent state. The bliss of surrender works wonders. Its when you give up flapping your hands and legs like idiots that you float. And precisely, thats what meditation helps you to do. Dont beat yourself up with your thoughts but just observe them. Because its when you observe them with detachment; is when you break out of the mould of identifying yourself with them. And when you stop identifying with your thoughts, is when they cease to exist for the lack of reaction from you. The state of happy nothingness :)

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